
About Our Mascots  

If you've been to our showroom over the last 10 years you were likely greeted by "Willie" (2005-2015) or "Charlie" (2016-present), our Old English Sheep Dog mascots. 

Both have been instrumental in our success, branding, and most importantly making new friends. While their official duties include chief greeter, celebrity (maybe there's a movie in the future???), and perhaps most importantly a playmate to all of the children who come in. 

It's not all work for these guys.....entertaining kids is fun but can also be tiresome! Charlie can frequently be caught napping by the rugs or lounging by the nearest fan. Don't worry though! He's always ready and willing to be awoken from a nap to entertain his adoring fans. 

Take a look below at photos of our stars. Photos are great but nothing compares to giving a big hug to one of these gentle giants!

So, Mom and dad, when you stop by, please bring the kids so Charlie will have someone to play with! 

Click on Charlie's Coloring Page for a 

Downloadable PDF for Your Kids Entertainment!

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